Mini Motor Car Chassis

This chassis is easily my most popular. Built standard with a 350 watt motor which is just under 1/2 HP, it measures 32″ over the coupler pockets, 30″ over the end beams. The standard wheelbase is 22″ and I’ve seen one of these pull three loaded cars up a 4% grade. Top speed is just under 7mph.
Wheelset – 7.5″ gauge with Sprocket$110.00
Wheelset – 7.5″ gauge$90.00

Robert Barlow built this “mini GP9” on a MMC chassis. It can pull a train, or foot pegs come out from under the front steps for riding on.

Possibly the most amazing thing ever done with one of my power chassis. The frame was lengthened with channel and large batteries keep enough weight on the front axle.

Dale Dennis used a custom length chassis to build this great motor car that hauled he and his wife all over during the ’09 Triennial

Pete has used the standard 30″ length MMC chassis to build this loco. Check out his adventures in 7.5″ railroading here: